Natural Treatment for Genital Warts
Genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, especially among younger individuals who engage in unprotected intercourse with multiple partners.

Research indicates that around 75% of men and women will be infected with sexually transmitted viruses at some point in their lives, leading to the development of warts.
Most infected individuals are unaware that they carry the virus, and many questions arise when unusual symptoms appear on or inside their bodies.

Have you noticed changes in your intimate area, and your doctor has just informed you that you have HPV in your system? What does this mean, and how much is your health at risk? There are many questions, but the situation is not as alarming as you might think.

Most people infected with condylomas do not experience significant physical discomfort. The mere presence of the virus and the appearance of warts can be unsettling, but since treatment is possible, there is great relief. You can treat condylomas naturally, and they will disappear quite quickly.

What Are Condylomas?

Condylomas are a type of genital wart. These are benign growths that develop on the skin around the anal opening and in the genital area, in both women and men.
They can also grow inside the mouth, but this is rare. They have a round shape, are slightly raised, and can be pink or skin-colored. Individual warts have a diameter of 1mm to 2mm. In some cases, they can be so small that they are impossible to see with the naked eye.

Condylomas are contagious and are transmitted solely through sexual contact. It is also possible to become infected through towels and underwear. All it takes is for the genitals to come into contact, meaning penetration is not required for a partner to become infected. If the number of sexual partners increases, the risk of infection also increases. Transmission is possible even when there are no visible symptoms.

Causes Affecting the Development of Condylomas

The main cause of condylomas is certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
After the virus comes into contact with a healthy person, it settles inside the tissues and remains dormant for several months.
The incubation period can last for several years, depending on the individual’s immune system’s ability to fight the virus.
In some cases, people are not aware that they have the virus until their immune system weakens due to another illness.
That’s why it is extremely difficult to determine where you acquired HPV.
When it becomes active, warts appear, which are essentially the “tip of the iceberg.” Infected cells multiply, leading to the development of condylomas.
It is believed that around 40 types of human papillomavirus cause the growth of genital warts, and an individual can be infected with several types at once.
A deficiency of folic acid and a lack of vitamin A can initiate the rapid growth of warts.

Risk Groups

Individuals who frequently change sexual partners and engage in unprotected sex are at a higher risk of contracting the human papillomavirus and developing condylomas. This includes all age groups and both genders. The risk is particularly high for pregnant women, although transmission to a newborn during childbirth is very rare. If there is a risk that the baby will be affected, a cesarean section is performed. Smokers are also at risk, but the reason is still not thoroughly researched.

Symptoms of Condylomas

HPV infections rarely show any symptoms. However, in addition to the appearance of warts, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Itching: This symptom indicates that the skin in the affected area is very dry and irritated. Consequently, there is a need to scratch, which should be avoided as much as possible. Touching and scratching the area where genital warts have appeared can lead to their increased growth and increased activity of the virus.
  • Burning: As warts grow, an unpleasant burning sensation accompanies this process. In certain cases, it can turn into pain, similar to a needle prick. This sensation can also be felt when weight distribution occurs directly on top of the growths or on their sides.
  • Bleeding: It is not an alarming symptom when it occurs rarely. Typically, it is due to mechanical injury. It is more common with larger warts than smaller ones. In the case of frequent and heavy bleeding, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Increased Secretion: Women suffering from condylomas often notice an increased amount of vaginal discharge. Its thickness and color vary from patient to patient. It can be white, pinkish, or even brown if it contains a small or large amount of blood. It is often watery, but occasionally very thick.
  • Frequent Urination: Frequent urination is another symptom that accompanies those affected by condylomas. The process is difficult because it disrupts the flow of urine. Urination can also be painful, and there may be blood in the urine.

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